First Day Tomorrow, Sept 10, 8:33-10:33

Good Afternoon,

We are looking forward to seeing our students tomorrow morning for only 2 hours. As the students get off the bus the they will do one lap of the field and then the grade 5/6 students will meet with Mrs. Cooper on the northside of the basketball court. (She will be there) The grade 3/4 students will meet with Mrs. Miller on the southside of the basketball courts.  (She will be outside)

The grade 1 and 2 students will do their lap and the grade 1 students will enter the school with Mrs. Hiebert at the front entrance. The grade 2 students will do their lap and then enter with Mrs. Armstrong.  They will sanitize or wash their hands upon entering into the building.

All secondary students will wear their masks on and off of the bus and into the school. The teachers will go over expectations for masks and other safety protocols once they are inside. The grade 8 and 9 students will enter the school through their regular doors, sanitize their hands and then meet in Mr. G’s room 205. The grade 7 students will enter in and santize their hands and will meet in Mrs. Rozon’s (Miss Davis’) room 204.  

Please remember to keep some distance from other students while you are entering and exiting the building and when you are running or lining up.  

Please bring a water bottle with you and have your name clearly marked on it.  If you are dropping off your child please drop off near the swings and school begins at 8:33 and ends at 10:33 tomorrow. On Friday it will be a full day, 8:33-2:45pm.


Mrs. Hartman