Recycling Success

Thank you to Trans Canada Pipeline for their generous donations of bottles this year.  We raised just over $2000 from all of the recycling.

A big thank you to Andrea Zavisha-Johnson and Chad and family for bringing her horse trailer twice and for taking in most of the recycling for us, what a big job it was!  Thanks to Alex Hartman for taking a truck load to the recycling depot and picking up the sorting stands and bags too.

Thank you to Mrs. Viens and her leadership group, Mrs. Cooper’s grade 5/6 class, Mrs. Armstrong’s grade 3 class, Mrs. Clay, Mrs. Hatton, Mrs. Bueckert, and Ms. J. Cox who all helped us sort, bag, load, and clean up the area after.  Some of the money raised was donated to one of our students in Children’s Hospital. In addition, we bought a foosball table, a couch, some learning supplies, and some of the money raised will also pay for some field trips. Well done staff and students!!

This was a real community effort and we really appreciate Trans Canada Pipeline for their amazing donation!