Can you help clean up your yard? Rake the grass? Help in the flower beds or the gardens? Today is a good day to help out.
Our Water Bottle Filling Station!
Water Bottle Filling Station: Thank you to our PAC for securing the funding from the Peace River Hydro Partners, Site C Dam to be able to put in the filling station. Thank you to Peace River Hydro Partners,
PJ Day at the School
We dressed up in our pj’s to support our home schooling students. If you have some pictures of you in your pj’s remember to upload
Thank You for the Prompt Pick Up
Thank you for the prompt pick up of the student belongings! It was great to see so many of you. We look forward to hearing from you as we continue to explore this new type of teaching and learning.
A Concise List of Financial Supports Available
During this difficult time, I thought this might be of support for some of our families.
School Hoodies and T-shirts were ordered in March
If you ordered a t-shirt or a hoodie, I placed the order before school was let out. It was ordered on Thursday, March 12th. I will let you know when it arrives so that you can pick it up.
Does this belong to you?
If you know that something belongs to you can you either email your teacher or myself so that we can put it in the bag that you will be picking up soon. I have a letter that will go out this afternoon with more details.
Important New Updates
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I recognize that this is a challenging time for everyone and I am sure that you have a lot of questions and concerns. Due to the Global Covid-19 Pandemic,
50th Celebration on April 29th, Cancelled but we hope to reschedule :)
In Person Classes Suspended
Please refer to website for regular updates.