Rube Goldberg Machine Creations in Mrs. Miller’s Class

It is so great to see the students actively trying to create machines. Not only did they have fun but there was great learning going on!                                                         

Cowboy Up

It is so nice to see all of the western wear today!

Clearview Cleaning Up- K, 1, 2, and 7-9

Missed the Grade 5/6 and 3/4 classes although they were out there pitching-in too. Well done Clearview! It is nice to have all of the garbage cleaned up. Thank you to Mrs. Webster for coming to help out with the clean up and for bringing us treats too!

Ready Set Learn- Mother’s Day Present

Our little ones were busy making some Mother’s Day gifts in their final RSL class.
Hopefully next year we will be able to have a more classes.


Science Experiment Success

Mrs. Miller’s class was busy doing some experiments with dirt. What could be more fun?

Our Baby Chicks Have Arrived

Considering the power outages, the movement of the incubator from school to house to house depending upon who had power. Many of the babies survived and are hatching.