Congratulations to the Clearview Grade 3-6 Track and Field Team

It was a great success for Clearview School at the 2016 Elementary District Track and Field Meet on June 3. Our athletes represented our school at a very high level for both athletics and respect. Once again comments were made to us about how well behaved our athletes were.

Clearview Speech Competition

On Thursday May 12 at 9:00am the Grade 4/5 and 5/6 classes will have their top 3 speeches from each class compete against each other to earn a spot at the School District Speech Competition. The top 3 Speeches will be given a spot at the District Competition on May 20th in Fort St John.

House Points

Team Moto “Fire” (Orange) 719
Team Kiwanja “Earth” (Green) 698
Team Maji “Water” (Blue) 681
Team Hewa “Air” (Purple) 641

Clearview Sports Day Wed June 22

The Annual Clearview School Year Ends Sports Day will be on Wednesday June 22. There will be a canteen operating during the day. A price list will be sent out closer to the date.

Elementary District Badminton Tournament May 5-6

The Elementary District Badminton Tournament May 4-5. 
Thursday May 4- Mixed Doubles starting at 3:30-7:00pm at North Peace Secondary School in Fort St John.
Friday May 5- Boys singles, Boys Doubles, Girls Singles, Girls Doubles starting at 8:30am until completion.

Grade 4-6 Basketball has a Great Weekend

Congratulations to the Grade 4-6 mixed basketball team that competed in the Menno Simons School Mini Paws Basketball Tournament over the weekend. The team Placed Third Place in the tournament.
A very big thank you to the coaches Tawyna Copes and Cindy Clay for volunteering their time to this team.

Clearview School Remains Open Monday May 2

We continue to monitor the situation with the fires in the Goodlow area. At this time we will remain open for a normal day of school tomorrow, Monday May 2.
Bus drivers will make the call if they feel their run is unsafe and it will be the parents decision to decide if they will send their children.

Giant Freeze Sale

The grade 5/6 class will be hosting a Giant Freeze Sale tomorrow, Thursday April 28 at lunch.
Limit of 1 freeze per student
$1.00 each