House Team Event Friday April 15

On Friday April 15 we will be having several events at the school.

1. Jersey Day- Wear any jersey to get house points, House t-shirts do not count as a jersey this day.

2. House Challenge- Each group will have a different activity that they participate in.

Bouldering Wall is Up

Over the Christmas Break, school district maintenance was able to install our new bouldering wall in the new gym.
Throughout this week we have used some grade 10s to put on all the holds and create some courses for the students.

Skate-a-Thon Times

The times for the Skate-a-Thon for Friday December 11 are as follows:
Kindergartens up to Grade 5 will skate from 10:45-11:45am
Grade 6 up to Grade 10 will skate from 12:45-1:45
All skaters must have a helmet.

Woman’s Resource Society Collection

The Clearview PAC is hosting a one night only drive for supplies for the Fort St John Woman’s Resource Society. Please bring items to the Clearview School Christmas Concert on Thursday Dec 17. They will have a table set up for all donations.

Basketball Season is HERE!!!!

We have just wrapped up our Volleyball Season and with that it means one thing…….Basketball Season is now here!
Practice Schedules
Elementary Boys and Girls (Grade 4-6)
Monday and Wednesdays at lunch Starting Wednesday December 2
Middle School (Grade 8-10)
Monday 3:00-4:30pm Starting Monday November 30
Tuesday and Thursday at Lunch Starting Tuesday December 1

Metis Jigger- Bev Lambert

On October 28, Metis Jigger, Bev Lambert visited Clearview School. She worked with the Grade 4 and 5 students to create a presentation for the whole school.