All buses in SD60 have been cancelled for Thursday November 17 due to weather and road conditions.
Please check the School District website for more information.
Ready Set Learn Starts November 8
Doris Edwards Memorial Garden Plaque
There will be a presentation of the Memorial Plaque that is being placed on Doris Edwards Memorial Garden on November 15 at 11:30am. This ceremony is being planned for in the gymnasium but if the weather allows we will be having it outside by the garden.
Remembrance Day Ceremony
Clearview School will be having our Remembrance Day ceremony in the gymnasium on Thursday November 10th @ 11:00am. Everyone is welcome to come out.
November 1 Newsletter
October 17 Newsletter
October 3 Newsletter
September 19 Newsletter
Haunted House and Fun House
Student VOICE raising money for Water Well in India
The Student VOICE will be kicking off their fundraising campaign on Friday October 14. They will be running a bake sale in the boot room of the school at recess and at lunch. Prices for items will be $0.25-$1.00 per item. All proceeds will go towards “Children Changing the World”.