Learning Assistance looking for some help
Learning Assistance is looking for old fI-pods and MP3 players that students no longer use. As technology changes and kids update their music players, many of the older devices get discarded.
Learning Assistance would like to have about 5-6 of these devices e to download and save books on Tape.
Peace River District Women’s Institute
Will be hosting a Rally at the Cecil Lake Hall
Saturday – September 24th
9:30 am – 3:00pm
The day will be filled with Fun crafts:
Come out and have some fun learning a new craft
Cake Decorating,
Early Learning Calendars
The September Early Learning Calendars are up at . For all kinds of great opportunities have a look. You can also follow Early Learning updates on the School District 60 Facebook page and on their own twitter account @SD60EarlyLearn
Ministry of Education Start Up Tips
Sept. 1, 2011
Ministry of Education
Back-to-school tips for a smooth start
As families across British Columbia get ready for Sept. 6,
here are some tips to make the back-to-school transition a smooth one:
Parents of Primary Students:
* Get your children used to the back-to-school routine before the first
day of school by having them shift to their school bedtime and wake-up
routine a week before school begins.
Ministry of Education Tips for Improving Studying and Literacy
Sept. 1, 2011
Ministry of Education
Back-to-school tips to improve studying, literacy
As students get ready to head back to school, here are some
tips to help them have a successful year and get the most out of their
study time:
Parents of Primary Students:
* Let your children see you read,
BC Teachers Federation Job Action
Dear Parents:
As you are aware, negotiations between the BC Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) and the BC Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) are ongoing. Unfortunately, the parties have not yet been able to negotiate a collective agreement and the BCTF has served notice that they will be on strike on Tuesday September 6,
September 2011 Newsletter
School Start Up!!!!!
Welcome back to other school year!!!
The first day of school is Tuesday September 6. Students will be starting at 8:43. The day ends and the buses will be leaving at 10:43.
Wednesday September 7 will be the first full length day of school.